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yani subandriyo

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

telling the future

This post was published to teaching english at 8:39:06 AM 4/29/2010
[telling the future]

By yani subandriyo

How to use this game :
1. Give students pre-learning activities by telling them the myths around our society.
2. Bring students to review the grammar points to be used in the game.
3. Cut the prediction cards and the fact cards, then spread to the students randomly
4. Give students some time to walk around the room and find out their future based on their fact
5. Ask them their future, and don’t forget to stick on the grammar point.
6. Have a nice class.
Language exponent :
• Asking and giving future prediction
Grammar point :• Present future tense
• First conditional sentences (prediction)

If you see a black cat,
you will have a good luck

If you walk under a ladder, you will have a bad luck

If you spill a salt, you will have a bad luck

If the first person to enter your house in the New Year is a tall man, you will have good luck all year

If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck.

If you open an umbrella in the house, you will have bad luck.

If your hand itches, you will get some money

If you put your clothes on inside out by mistake, you will have good luck.

If you sleep with a mirror under your pillow, you will dream of your future husband.

If you peel an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder, it will form the initial of your future husband or wife’s name.

If you see the new moon, turn over the money in your pocket, then you will be rich.

If you see a snake crossing your way, you will have a bad luck that day.

Accidentally fact:
You just saw a black cat

You just walked under the ladder

You just spilt the salt

Your hand was itchy

You just put your clothes on inside out by mistake

You just put a mirror under your pillow

The first person who entered your house was a tall man You just broke a mirror by accident

You just opened your umbrella in the house

You just peeled an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder

You just saw a new moon You just saw a snake crossing your way

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