Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Terima kasih anda telah mengunjungi blog kami. Blog ini di maksudkan sebagai wadah silaturrahmi dan diskusi bagi mereka yang berkompeten dengan dunia pendidikan, pemerhati sekaligus penggiat bahasa inggris baik di lingkungan pendidikan formal dan non forma.

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wasssalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

blog manager
yani subandriyo

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


GOAL : Asking and giving directional command and prohibition.

exponent :
  • tell me what to do
  • turn right / left
  • move one step to the right
  • back off
  • stop
  • go straight ahead
  • go on
  • kneel down
  • catch up!!!
  • hurry up!!

Essential vocabularies :

  • hunter
  • prey
  • step
  • blind-fold

grammar point :

  • imperative sentences

How to use this game :

  1. this game can be played with any numbers of students.
  2. firstly, devide the class into two groups.
  3. ask each group to choose one person ask a pilot and one person as co-pilot
  4. use the blindfold to close the co-pilots eyes, make sure that nothing can be seen by both copilots.
  5. the co-pilot then has to move and running after another. one group will act as a hunter and the other acts as the prey.
  6. set the time limit to play this game. if in three minutes the hunter cannot catch the prey, the prey win, if not the hunter win the game.
  7. the co-pilot then move by the direction from their own pilot.
  8. have a nice try!!!!!!

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