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yani subandriyo

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to teach effectively

One day one of my teaching colleges came into teacher's room with a hard look. His eyes were menacing and his face was really tensed. Nobody asked him, and nobody talked to him either. He was really mad.

A couple of minute passed and finally he opened the conversation. But, this time, I could hardly say that it was a good talking, it's just an expression of a frustrating teacher. As normally, he started to blame our students.

I believed that those happening can be found almost in every school. When the teaching-learning was failed, students were the object should be blamed. We could easily claimed that they were not attentive, lazy, no motivation, and even no potencies or talent in our school subject. But, what about ourselves??? It was really obvious that teacher was a clear mirror for the teaching-learning process. When teacher came out from the classroom frustrated, the teaching-learning process had to be frustrating, and vice verse.

Logically, the success of teaching-learning process involved not only students, but also another learning component, such as teacher and the facilities. But according to me, teacher and students plays more important role in a successful teaching-learning process. It was said by our first president that everyone could be a teacher and everyplace could be a school. But he didn't state how to create a good classroom, did he? And this is the point where we are heading to….

  • Teaching naturally
    • Let's look back at our childhood and answer the following question by ourselves. Which one was more interesting to be studied, spelling the alphabets or learning how to make a good kite? I do believe that learning how to make a good kite was more important than spelling. What I want to say here is that we will be more motivated to learn something when we need it. In philosophical term people will learn something only when they need it. So I think the most important thing to do is how to develop students' awareness on the importance of our teaching subject. And it must be done at the beginning of our teaching, and we should not progress till this phased was reached, otherwise we will fail to create students' curiosity and interest in our teaching subject.
  • Understanding student's learning type
    • As all we know that we are facing four types of students' learning style.
      • The visual students tend to be interested only in something interesting to be seen. It can be something colorful or having good shape.
      • The auditory students tend to be interested only in something nice to be heard. So a good teacher must vary their tone to maintain students' attention.
      • The audio-visual students tend to be interested only something good to be seen and to be heard. It's the combination of audio and visual learning type.
      • The psychomotor students tend to be interested in a school subject which require him to move in learning it.



To be able to create a good class environment we could do the following suggestion;

  • Try to get students awareness of the importance of our teaching topic every time we start our teaching. It's better to grade our school subject from the most interesting to the students to the least interesting. It's known that once students' thought that our teaching was enjoyable, they tend to be enjoy in every topic we present. So our first impression is really important. It is really suggestive. I myself usually sacrificed my first meeting with my new students just to get a good impression.
  • Provide all students' learning style. Don't be afraid to be a laughed by students as long as they understand our teaching topic. We won't lose our pride just because students laugh at us. As long as we could maintain our good behavior. We could be a clown, but let them know that we are not a usual clown, we are an educated and serious clown. In other time we should put off our mask and behave strictly, e.g. in a evaluation, and testing time. So, everything will be put in balance. Students will surely love our class and by doing so hopefully they will understand our teaching topic, and in the other hand they keep respecting us as their teacher.
  • Have a nice try!!!!!

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Listening practice



Source :

1. The editor's job is _________________________________.

A. True

C. False

2. Candidates ______________________at least _________ experience.

A. True

C. False

3. Those interested in teaching English ___________________.

A. True

C. False

4. You might have to __________________________________.

A. True

C. False

5. ___________________________at Language Academy.

A. True

C. False

6. ______________________________________________.

A. True

C. False

7. ______________________________________________.

A. True

C. False

8. ______________________________________________.

A. True

C. False

9. ______________________________________________.

A. True

C. False

10. ____________________________________________.

A. True

C. False

click here to listen to the complete dialog.


Source :

By : yani subandriyo

1. What service is being advertised?

A. home repair

B. food catering

C. carpet cleaning

2.Who is speaking in the commercial?

A. the salesperson

B. the carpet

C. the home owner

3. What is the regular cost of the service?

A. $22.95

B. $25.95

C. $29.95

4. What will new customers receive free of charge if they call now?

A. spot cleaner

B. silverware

C. wall hangings

5. What is the store's phone number?

A. 673-5010

B. 633-5100

C. 637-5001


Source :

By : yani subandriyo

Hey you! This is your carpet speaking. Helllooo! Hey, I take a real beating from you and your _____________1 [ friends pets family ] everyday. The kids track ______________2 [ mud dirt stains ] all over me, the dog leaves a bunch of fur balls everywhere. You _______________3 [ made spilt dropped ] coffee the other day while entertaining guests, and your husband left a trail of potato chip crumbs from the sofa to the kitchen last night while watching the ______________4 [ football basketball hockey ] game. Don't you think it's about time to give me a good cleaning?

Now pick up that phone and call Master Cleaners now. I see them on the TV all the time. They'll clean any three rooms for $29.95, and any ____________5 [ additional extra connecting ] hall is free. Plus, they'll throw in a free ____________ 6 [ sample bottle container ] of their amazing stain remover. And if you call now, you'll receive a ____________ 7 [ 5% 15% 50% ] discount off their already low prices. So come on! Give them a call at 637-5001, and make life for me a little easier. Uh, nice doggie, nice doggie . . .

check the following link to get the speaker voice

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



GOAL     : Asking and giving direction.


EXPONENT    :     

        *. Where is the Post office?

        *. Can you tell me where the Post Office is?

        *. Can you direct me to the post office?

        *. Could you direct me to the post office?

        *. Turn right/left.

        *. Go straight on / go straight ahead

        *. Go pass the crossroad/round about

        *. Go along the road

        *. Take the second turning on the right

        *. Go straight ahead for about 100 meters then you will find a shop



        *. Crossroad    : ……………………………..

        *. T-junction    : ……………………………..

        *. Round about    : ……………………………..

        *. Y-junction     : ……………………………..

        *. The end of the road    : ……………………………..

        *. The dead end    : ……………………………..

        *. Fountain    : ……………………………..

        *. Side walk    : ……………………………..

        *. Traffic light    : ……………………………..

        *. High way    : ……………………………..

        *. On the right/left side    : ……………………………..

        *. turning    : ……………………………..








                          By yanis 2010

telling the future

This post was published to teaching english at 8:39:06 AM 4/29/2010
[telling the future]

By yani subandriyo

How to use this game :
1. Give students pre-learning activities by telling them the myths around our society.
2. Bring students to review the grammar points to be used in the game.
3. Cut the prediction cards and the fact cards, then spread to the students randomly
4. Give students some time to walk around the room and find out their future based on their fact
5. Ask them their future, and don’t forget to stick on the grammar point.
6. Have a nice class.
Language exponent :
• Asking and giving future prediction
Grammar point :• Present future tense
• First conditional sentences (prediction)

If you see a black cat,
you will have a good luck

If you walk under a ladder, you will have a bad luck

If you spill a salt, you will have a bad luck

If the first person to enter your house in the New Year is a tall man, you will have good luck all year

If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck.

If you open an umbrella in the house, you will have bad luck.

If your hand itches, you will get some money

If you put your clothes on inside out by mistake, you will have good luck.

If you sleep with a mirror under your pillow, you will dream of your future husband.

If you peel an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder, it will form the initial of your future husband or wife’s name.

If you see the new moon, turn over the money in your pocket, then you will be rich.

If you see a snake crossing your way, you will have a bad luck that day.

Accidentally fact:
You just saw a black cat

You just walked under the ladder

You just spilt the salt

Your hand was itchy

You just put your clothes on inside out by mistake

You just put a mirror under your pillow

The first person who entered your house was a tall man You just broke a mirror by accident

You just opened your umbrella in the house

You just peeled an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder

You just saw a new moon You just saw a snake crossing your way


By yani subandriyo


How to use this game :

  1. Give students pre-learning activities by telling them the myths around our society.
  2. Bring students to review the grammar points to be used in the game.
  3. Cut the prediction cards and the fact cards, then spread to the students randomly
  4. Give students some time to walk around the room and find out their future based on their fact
  5. Ask them their future, and don't forget to stick on the grammar point.
  6. Have a nice class.

Language exponent :

  • Asking and giving future prediction

Grammar point :

  • Present future tense
  • First conditional sentences (prediction)


If you see a black cat, you will have a good luck

If you walk under a ladder, you will have a bad luck

If you spill a salt, you will have a bad luck

If the first person to enter your house in the New Year is a tall man, you will have good luck all year

If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck.

If you open an umbrella in the house, you will have bad luck.

If your hand itches, you will get some money

If you put your clothes on inside out by mistake, you will have good luck.

If you sleep with a mirror under your pillow, you will dream of your future husband.

If you peel an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder, it will form the initial of your future husband or wife's name.

If you see the new moon, turn over the money in your pocket, then you will be rich.

If you see a snake crossing your way, you will have a bad luck that day.



Accidentally fact:

You just saw a black cat

You just walked under the ladder

You just spilt the salt

Your hand was itchy

You just put your clothes on inside out by mistake

You just put a mirror under your pillow

The first person who entered your house was a tall man

You just broke a mirror by accident

You just opened your umbrella in the house

You just peeled an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder

You just saw a new moon

You just saw a snake crossing your way


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


GOAL : Asking and giving directional command and prohibition.

exponent :
  • tell me what to do
  • turn right / left
  • move one step to the right
  • back off
  • stop
  • go straight ahead
  • go on
  • kneel down
  • catch up!!!
  • hurry up!!

Essential vocabularies :

  • hunter
  • prey
  • step
  • blind-fold

grammar point :

  • imperative sentences

How to use this game :

  1. this game can be played with any numbers of students.
  2. firstly, devide the class into two groups.
  3. ask each group to choose one person ask a pilot and one person as co-pilot
  4. use the blindfold to close the co-pilots eyes, make sure that nothing can be seen by both copilots.
  5. the co-pilot then has to move and running after another. one group will act as a hunter and the other acts as the prey.
  6. set the time limit to play this game. if in three minutes the hunter cannot catch the prey, the prey win, if not the hunter win the game.
  7. the co-pilot then move by the direction from their own pilot.
  8. have a nice try!!!!!!