Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Terima kasih anda telah mengunjungi blog kami. Blog ini di maksudkan sebagai wadah silaturrahmi dan diskusi bagi mereka yang berkompeten dengan dunia pendidikan, pemerhati sekaligus penggiat bahasa inggris baik di lingkungan pendidikan formal dan non forma.

Kami sadar bahwa blog yang kami sediakan ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang membangun dari pengunjung sekalian sangatlah kami harapkan.

wasssalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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yani subandriyo

Sunday, May 9, 2010



( Recount )


Task 1

Observe the picture and answer the following questions.

1. What picture is it?

2. Have you ever got the letter showing in the picture?

3. How do you feel when you got the letter showing in the picture?

4. What kind of letter is it, formal or informal letter?

5. Do we have to wear a formal clothes?




Task 2

Read the text carefully then answer the questions.

Were you invited?

Last week I just got a wedding invitation. It was from my schoolmate. He lived in a remote village far from town. He would marry a beautiful young girl. She was just two years younger than him.

At the appointed day, I got up early since I had never gone to his house before. I wore my best formal suit since I believed I would meet my old friends there. It was a sunny day and I drove my car happily. After an hour driving, I arrived at the village mentioned in the invitation. I kept driving to the appointed direction and followed the map written in the invitation.

I was surprised to see a party in a distance. I thought it would take for about fifteen to twenty minutes driving to that place, and it's just ten minutes from the last time I saw the border of village. Seeing at the crowd, I thought the party had been started. I was hurriedly parking my car and joining the party.

I was looking around anxiously since I couldn't find any of my old-friends there. I looked at the bride and bridegroom, I was confused because the bride was not my friend. I tried to calm myself down. I sat still and ate my snack.

Ten minutes passed by, suddenly my mobile phone rang. It was from my old friend. He was asking my position. I was waited by all my old friends. It was only me who was not present. I said that I would be there soon after the party I was joining now was over.

They were surprised, by after awhile they all laughed. Finally they knew that I was joining the wrong wedding party.


Answer the following question.

1.    What did the writer get last week?

2.    Where did the writer's friend live?

3.    How did the writer go to the party?

4.    Did the writer join the right party?

5.    When would the writer join his friend's wedding party?


Task 3

Match the words in the left column with their Indonesian on the right column.

  1. Invitation
  2. Remote
  3. Appointed
  4. Since
  5. Wore
  6. Believed
  7. Kept
  8. Mentioned
  9. Distance
  10. crowd
  1. kejauhan
  2. terus atau tetap
  3. mengenakan atau memakai
  4. ditentukan
  5. undangan
  6. terpencil
  7. karena / sejak
  8. percaya
  9. disebutkan
  10. kerumunan


Task 4

Answer following questions based on the above invitation letter.

1.     What kind of letter is that?

2.    Who will get married ?

3.     When will the party be held?

4.     Where will the party be held?

5.     Mentioned some important things an invitation letter should have?


Task 5

Try to make an invitation letter based on the following situation.

1. 2.


















Saturday, May 1, 2010

Describing game – [ advanced ]

Find The Occupants

Type of the activity

  • Whole class
  • Maching game

Level :

  • Intermediate – advanced

Function Practised

  • Describing houses and people


  • He is / she is / it is / they are ……(+adjective)
  • Present simple/present continuous for expressing habit

Lexical areas

  • Houses, people, appearance, age, occupation, habits

Problem Vocabulary

  • Castle, detached, terrace, cottage, lighthouse, semi detached, bungalow

How to use the game

  1. Make some copies of the papers.
  2. Cut one set of picture (house and people) and give to the students. They will act as house owner (5 students).
  3. Cut another set of picture, but this time discard the picture of a house and leave a picture of the people.
  4. Spread the picture of people to the rest of the students. They may get the same picture, but don't let them know this. You can do this by shuffle the cards.
  5. Use the remains complete set for you (teacher) to control student works.
  6. The goal of this game is for each student to find the suitable house for them by asking the owner the house the characteristics of the people living in that house. To do this they must move around the class, describing their appearance and confirm if they are one member of the house-owner family.
  7. When they have their house, they should sit with the house owner and waiting for another family member that might be still looking for their house.
  8. The teacher should give a time limit, it's usually 5 minutes for intermediate level, and 3 minutes for advanced. But you can adjust the time according to the number of students involved in the activity.
  9. Good luck.


Picture sets